Morning & Night Pregnancy-Safe Skincare Routines


Pregnancy is an incredible journey. And, as you know, there’s no getting around it: your body will be going through some changes. That includes your skin! While the best way to prepare for pregnancy is to start taking care of your skin health before you conceive, you can still do a lot to improve and maintain your complexion during pregnancy.

The following is a guide to healthy skincare during pregnancy to help you navigate the changes your body will be going through.

1) Use a gentle, pregnancy-safe cleanser

Your skin will be much more sensitive and reactive during pregnancy, so keep it clean by gently washing twice a day with a mild liquid cleanser. Be sure that it is non-irritating and hypoallergenic. You also want to choose a cleanser that is free of fragrances and dyes, as these can cause reactions on your skin.

2) Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer with sunscreen

Aside from being a good idea for all women, this is especially important if you have acne-prone skin. Even if you don’t have acne now, pregnancy hormones make you more prone to it, and the last thing you need is for your acne to get worse.

3) Use a gentler acne medication

Acne is something that most women experience after having a baby, so you’ll be glad to know that you can keep yours under control by using an anti-acne product that is safe to use during pregnancy. It should be oil-free, fragrance-free, and non-comedogenic. Alpha hydroxy acids can make pregnancy acne worse, so if your skin is sensitive to it, you may want to avoid AHAs completely.

4) Be aware of the ingredients in your skincare products

Pregnancy can trigger allergies that you didn’t even know you had! So read the list of ingredients very carefully on any product you put on your skin during pregnancy.


Getting pregnant is a beautiful and exciting time, however, it can also make your skin more sensitive and reactive. You can help minimize the common skin problems associated with pregnancy by using gentle skincare products.