Tips For Cute & Comfortable Road Trip Outfits

We’re going on a road trip! Yay! But what should we wear?

Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. This post is all about how to dress for a long car ride, with tips on what to wear, what not to wear and some fashionable outfits too. So whatever you’re getting up to this weekend – hiking in the hills or catching up with friends – we’ve got you sorted.


There’s nothing more uncomfortable than a suit, but things can get worse if you wear a long sleeved t-shirt underneath. Instead you should wear this. And also, black leggings are the best for a road trip. Get them in two colours and with two different patterns – that way, if one pair ever does tear, it will happen in an environment where no one will notice.


We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a second change of clothes for if your first get stained. It can happen – and it won’t be pretty when it does. You don’t need to go overboard, but there are a few things you can consider including in your bag :


Not only are little black outfits perfect for car rides – they’re also perfect for going to the doctor’s or if you’re feeling under the weather. Just make sure they don’t clash with your shoes, because you don’t want to be walking around in mismatched clothes. We always like to wear dresses or something that can double up as pyjamas since a long car ride can suck out all the energy you have left.


Audio books are perfect for road trips. If you’re a car person, you’ll know all the different chains of gears and engine noises, but even if you’re not, you can listen to some amazing audiobooks and music. There’s nothing quite like being in the car with someone singing out loud to a song that’s stuck in your head – it’s impossible to ignore! Also, headphones are important to have in your bag when going on holiday.
